Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University Course Catalogue

Information Of Programmes


Year/Semester of Study 1 / Spring Semester
Level of Course 3rd Cycle Degree Programme
Type of Course Optional
Pre-requisities and Co-requisites None
Mode of Delivery Face to Face
Teaching Period 14 Weeks
Name of Lecturer FERDA ÜSTÜN (
Name of Lecturer(s) KORHAN KARACAOĞLU,
Language of Instruction Turkish
Work Placement(s) None
Objectives of the Course
The aim of this course is to give information about organizational behaviomicro organization theoryr and explain the contemporary concepts in this domain.

Learning Outcomes PO MME
The students who succeeded in this course:
LO-1 Be able to analyze modern organization theories PO-2 The candidate will learn the different perspectives about numerous theories, models and paradigms that have developed in business fields such as management and organization, organizational behavior, marketing, finance, accounting, human resources, production management, quantitative methods, and the candidate can gain knowledge and skills to evaluate, interpret and criticize scientific studies and researches,which are presented in various scientific meetings, in these fields.
PO-3 The candidate can do an original scientific/ academic researches independently or jointly with other researchers in business administration field and other social sciences` fields by using the most recent improvements in research methods, and gain knowledge, skills and responsibility to publish the results of research in books, articles and reports, to present in the scientific environment discussion such as conference and congress.
PO-4 The candidate brings new grounds in the field of business administration by providing original scientific studies, and develops a new scientific method or applies to known methods into different fields, and contributes to national and international literature.
PO-7 The candidate can search theoretical and practical knowledge and skills which can gained in the field of Business Administration, can determine these knowledge and skills how it is used in practice and field analysis, can adapt and analyze these knowledge and skills, can make critical decisions, and can apply by reaching synthesis.
Performance Project
LO-2 Be able to tell contemporary subject in organizational theory domain. PO-2 The candidate will learn the different perspectives about numerous theories, models and paradigms that have developed in business fields such as management and organization, organizational behavior, marketing, finance, accounting, human resources, production management, quantitative methods, and the candidate can gain knowledge and skills to evaluate, interpret and criticize scientific studies and researches,which are presented in various scientific meetings, in these fields.
PO-3 The candidate can do an original scientific/ academic researches independently or jointly with other researchers in business administration field and other social sciences` fields by using the most recent improvements in research methods, and gain knowledge, skills and responsibility to publish the results of research in books, articles and reports, to present in the scientific environment discussion such as conference and congress.
Performance Project
LO-3 Be able to evaluation the importance of modern organization theorise in business life. PO-7 The candidate can search theoretical and practical knowledge and skills which can gained in the field of Business Administration, can determine these knowledge and skills how it is used in practice and field analysis, can adapt and analyze these knowledge and skills, can make critical decisions, and can apply by reaching synthesis.
PO-9 As a good academician and researcher, the candidate can learn to look critically to new subjects, to new developments in the field of Business Administration, to related other topics. Also, he/she can improve his/her questioning and exploratory aspects.
PO-13 The candidate can identify social, scientific, managerial and ethical problems that are encountered in the field of academic and professional business life, and can analyze and solve them, and contribute to the development of values related to such issues.
Performance Project
LO-4 Be able to discuss the the chaos theory PO-2 The candidate will learn the different perspectives about numerous theories, models and paradigms that have developed in business fields such as management and organization, organizational behavior, marketing, finance, accounting, human resources, production management, quantitative methods, and the candidate can gain knowledge and skills to evaluate, interpret and criticize scientific studies and researches,which are presented in various scientific meetings, in these fields.
PO-3 The candidate can do an original scientific/ academic researches independently or jointly with other researchers in business administration field and other social sciences` fields by using the most recent improvements in research methods, and gain knowledge, skills and responsibility to publish the results of research in books, articles and reports, to present in the scientific environment discussion such as conference and congress.
PO-4 The candidate brings new grounds in the field of business administration by providing original scientific studies, and develops a new scientific method or applies to known methods into different fields, and contributes to national and international literature.
Performance Project
PO: Programme Outcomes
MME:Method of measurement & Evaluation

Course Contents
Basic terms of behavior science. Motivation and Motivation Theories, Personality and Personality Theories, Leadership and Leadership Theories, Conflict Management, Groups, Decision-Making, Organizational Culture, Stress and Change Management.
Weekly Course Content
Week Subject Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
1 Configurational approach -General organizational strategy approach Teaching/Discussion/ Question&Answer
2 Resource-dependence approach Teaching/Discussion/ Question&Answer
3 Institutional theory Teaching/Discussion/ Question&Answer
4 İnformation processing approach -Agency theory Teaching/Discussion/ Question&Answer
5 Organizational population ecology Teaching/Discussion/ Question&Answer
6 Organizational population ecology Teaching/Discussion/ Question&Answer
7 Chaos theory Teaching/Discussion/ Question&Answer
8 mid-term exam
9 Post-modern organization Theory Lecture
10 Post-modern organization Theory Teaching/Discussion/ Question&Answer
11 Learning Organization Teaching/Discussion/ Question&Answer
12 Matrix Organization Teaching/Discussion/ Question&Answer
13 Network Organization Teaching/Discussion/ Question&Answer
14 Virtual Organization Teaching/Discussion/ Question&Answer
15 Shamrock Organization, Lean Organization, Unlimited Organization, Zero Hierarchy Teaching/Discussion/ Question&Answer
16 final exam
Recommend Course Book / Supplementary Book/Reading
1 Jones, G.R. Örgüt Kuramı, Örgüt Tasarımı ve Örgütsel Değişim, (Çevirenler: A. Altın Gülova, O. Ataç ve D. Dirik), 7.Baskı, Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi.
2 KOÇEL, T. (2016), İşletme Yöneticiliği, İstanbul: Beta Basım A.Ş.
3 Jones, G.R. (2013). Örgüt Kuramı, Örgüt Tasarımı ve Örgütsel Değişim, (Çevirenler: A. Altın Gülova, O. Ataç ve D. Dirik), 7.Baskı, Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi.
4 Sözen, H.C. ve Basım, H.N. (2017), Örgüt Kuramları, İstanbul: Beta Basım A.Ş.
Required Course instruments and materials
Projection, Articles Kocel, T. (2016), Isletme Yöneticiligi, Istanbul: Beta Basim A.S. Keskin ve digerleri (2016), Örgüt Teorisi, Ankara: Nobel Yayinevi.

Assessment Methods
Type of Assessment Week Hours Weight(%)
mid-term exam 8 3 40
Other assessment methods
1.Oral Examination
3.Laboratory exam
7.Performance Project
8.Term Paper
final exam 16 3 60

Student Work Load
Type of Work Weekly Hours Number of Weeks Work Load
Weekly Course Hours (Theoretical+Practice) 3 14 42
Outside Class
       a) Reading 5 12 60
       b) Search in internet/Library 3 10 30
       c) Performance Project 3 4 12
       d) Prepare a workshop/Presentation/Report 3 1 3
       e) Term paper/Project 0
Oral Examination 0
Quiz 0
Laboratory exam 0
Own study for mid-term exam 5 3 15
mid-term exam 2 1 2
Own study for final exam 4 4 16
final exam 2 1 2
Total work load; 182