Learning Outcomes |
PO |
The students who succeeded in this course: |
LO-1 |
She/He Know the definition, subject and purpose of the science of kalam. |
PO-1 Can be able to improve and deepen their knowledge in the same or different field based on the graduate level qualifications in their field of study. PO-3 Can be able to make an efficient use of the resources in a relevant field of study based on their graduate level of qualifications.
Examination |
LO-2 |
She/HeBe able to know the birth, formation process and periods of the science of kalam. |
PO-3 Can be able to make an efficient use of the resources in a relevant field of study based on their graduate level of qualifications.
Examination |
LO-3 |
He/she can know the main differences between the periods of predecessor, contractor and New Science of Kalam in the history of Kalam. |
PO-3 Can be able to make an efficient use of the resources in a relevant field of study based on their graduate level of qualifications.
Examination |
LO-4 |
She/He Knows the main schools of kalam, their important representatives and their basic characteristics. |
PO-3 Can be able to make an efficient use of the resources in a relevant field of study based on their graduate level of qualifications.
Examination |
LO-5 |
She/He Know and discuss the Divinity issues of the Word. |
PO-3 Can be able to make an efficient use of the resources in a relevant field of study based on their graduate level of qualifications.
Examination |
LO-6 |
She/He Can define and express the need for prophets and their attributes. |
PO-3 Can be able to make an efficient use of the resources in a relevant field of study based on their graduate level of qualifications.
Examination |
LO-7 |
She/He Can define and express the duties of the prophets together with religious and rational proofs. |
PO-3 Can be able to make an efficient use of the resources in a relevant field of study based on their graduate level of qualifications.
Examination |
LO-8 |
She/He Knows and evaluates the basic aspects of the holy books. |
PO-3 Can be able to make an efficient use of the resources in a relevant field of study based on their graduate level of qualifications.
Examination |
LO-9 |
She/He Can describe and express the basic qualities of angels, their duties and their relationship with man. |
PO-3 Can be able to make an efficient use of the resources in a relevant field of study based on their graduate level of qualifications.
Examination |
LO-10 |
She/He Recognize and evaluate issues related to the Doomsday, the grave and the life in the hereafter with their religious-rational evidence. |
PO-1 Can be able to improve and deepen their knowledge in the same or different field based on the graduate level qualifications in their field of study. PO-3 Can be able to make an efficient use of the resources in a relevant field of study based on their graduate level of qualifications.
Examination |
PO: Programme Outcomes MME:Method of measurement & Evaluation |
Course Contents |
In this course, the subject of kalam, its history, periods, schools, important representatives and divinity will be covered. In this course, the basic faith and creed issues of the religion of Islam will be covered with religious texts and rational proofs. |
Weekly Course Content |
Week |
Subject |
Learning Activities and Teaching Methods |
1 |
She/He recognizes to definition of İlm al-Kalam and ıt’s subject and aim |
Presentation |
2 |
Mutazila and basic opinions |
Source Scanning |
3 |
The Ahl al-Sunna; Salafiyya |
Source Scanning |
4 |
Asharism |
Source Scanning |
5 |
Maturidism |
Source Scanning |
6 |
Comparison of Asharism and Maturidism |
Source Scanning |
7 |
Godhead; being, Allah's attributes, Allah-Universe relationship |
Source Scanning |
8 |
mid-term exam |
9 |
Prophethood, revelation and miracle |
Source Scanning |
10 |
Human actions and destiny |
Source Scanning |
11 |
Doomsday and the Hereafter |
Source Scanning |
12 |
Seeing Allah in the Hereafter |
Source Scanning |
13 |
Imamate |
Source Scanning |
14 |
Today's problems of Kalam; denial currents |
Source Scanning |
15 |
Denialist currents |
Source Scanning |
16 |
final exam |
Recommend Course Book / Supplementary Book/Reading |
1 |
Eş‘arî, Ebü'l-Hasen. el-İbane an Usuli’d-Diyane, thk. Fevkiye Hüseyin Mahmud. Kahire: Dâru’l-Ensâr, 1977. |
2 |
Eş‘arî, Ebü’l-Hasen. Makâlâtü’l-İslâmiyyîn ve İhtilâfü’l-Musallîn. Thk. Muhammed Muhyiddin Abdülhamîd. Beyrut: Mektebetü’l-Asriyye, 1995. |
3 |
Mâtürîdî, Ebû Mansûr. Kitâbü’t-Tevhîd. Thk. Bekir Topaloğlu - Muhammed Aruçi. Ankara: Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yayınları, 3. Basım, 2017. |
4 |
Pezdevî, Ebü’l-Yüsr. Usûlü’d-Dîn. Thk. Hans Peter Linss. Kahire: Dâru İhyâi’l-Kütübi’l-Arabiyye, 1963. |
5 |
Namlı, Abdullah. Kader İnancının Dini Temelleri. İstanbul: Rağbet Yayınları, 2019. |
6 |
Namlı, Abdullah. Kur’an’a Göre İnkâr. İstanbul-Trabzon: Kalem Yayınları, 2021. |
7 |
Namlı, Abdullah. Tekvîn ve Kulların Fiillerinin Yaratılışı. Ankara: İlahiyat Yayınları, 2021. |
8 |
Namlı, Abdullah. Allah’ın İlmi ve Mutlak Bilinmezlik. Ankara: İlahiyat Yayınları, 2022. |
Required Course instruments and materials |
Classical Kalam Books in Arabic |