Year/Semester of Study | 1 / Spring Semester | ||||
Level of Course | 2nd Cycle Degree Programme | ||||
Type of Course | Optional | ||||
Department | BASIC ISLAMIC SCIENCES | ||||
Pre-requisities and Co-requisites | None | ||||
Mode of Delivery | Face to Face | ||||
Teaching Period | 14 Weeks | ||||
Name of Lecturer | ABDULLAH NAMLI (abdnamli@nevsehir.edu.tr) | ||||
Name of Lecturer(s) | ABDULLAH NAMLI, | ||||
Language of Instruction | Turkish | ||||
Work Placement(s) | None | ||||
Objectives of the Course | |||||
The aim of lesson; The aim of this course is to gain proficiency in scientific methods within the framework of reason and transmission, on the history of the science of Kalam, which is about the principles of Islamic belief, and on the problems of Kalam, which is about the principles of Islamic belief. |
Learning Outcomes | PO | MME | |
The students who succeeded in this course: | |||
LO-1 | She/He recognizes the subjects of Uluhiyyah and disputes them. |
PO-1 Can be able to improve and deepen their knowledge in the same or different field based on the graduate level qualifications in their field of study. PO-5 Can be able to interpret, solve and produce new data by integrating the data obtained from both their field of study and different fields of study. PO-8 Can be able to develop new approaches in order to solve unpredictable problems encountered in their field of study. |
Examination |
LO-2 | She/He Can define and express the need for prophets and their attributes. |
PO-1 Can be able to improve and deepen their knowledge in the same or different field based on the graduate level qualifications in their field of study. PO-8 Can be able to develop new approaches in order to solve unpredictable problems encountered in their field of study. |
Examination |
LO-3 | She/He Will be able to define and express the duties of prophets together with religious rational proofs. |
PO-1 Can be able to improve and deepen their knowledge in the same or different field based on the graduate level qualifications in their field of study. PO-8 Can be able to develop new approaches in order to solve unpredictable problems encountered in their field of study. |
Examination |
LO-4 | She/He Knows and evaluates the basic aspects of the holy books. |
PO-1 Can be able to improve and deepen their knowledge in the same or different field based on the graduate level qualifications in their field of study. PO-8 Can be able to develop new approaches in order to solve unpredictable problems encountered in their field of study. |
Examination |
LO-5 | She/He Can describe the basic qualities of angels, their duties and their relations with humans. |
PO-1 Can be able to improve and deepen their knowledge in the same or different field based on the graduate level qualifications in their field of study. PO-8 Can be able to develop new approaches in order to solve unpredictable problems encountered in their field of study. |
Examination |
LO-6 | She/He can know the issues related to the Doomsday, the grave and the hereafter with his religious and mental evidence. |
PO-1 Can be able to improve and deepen their knowledge in the same or different field based on the graduate level qualifications in their field of study. PO-8 Can be able to develop new approaches in order to solve unpredictable problems encountered in their field of study. |
Examination |
PO: Programme Outcomes MME:Method of measurement & Evaluation |
Course Contents | ||
In this course, subjects such as the basic faith and creed of Islam will be covered with religious texts and rational proofs. | ||
Weekly Course Content | ||
Week | Subject | Learning Activities and Teaching Methods |
1 | Faith, affirmation and ingenuity. The matter of great sin | Presentation |
2 | Being and World; Cevher and A'raz | Presentation |
3 | The existence of God's names and adjectives | Presentation |
4 | Evidence of the existence of Allah (Isbât-ı Vâcib) | Presentation |
5 | Mutasabih and Mutasabih adjectives | Presentation |
6 | Human actions and Kadar | Presentation |
7 | Kasb and the responsibility of man, Hidayah and dalalah | Presentation |
8 | mid-term exam | |
9 | Prophethood and be possible and permissible | Presentation |
10 | Revelation and Miracle | Presentation |
11 | Caliphate and Imamah | Presentation |
12 | Angels and other invisible beings | Presentation |
13 | Grave of torment, Signs of apocalypse | Presentation |
14 | Purgatory, Paradise | Presentation |
15 | Hell | Presentation |
16 | final exam | |
Recommend Course Book / Supplementary Book/Reading | ||
1 | Toprak, Süleyman-Gölcük Şerafeddin. Kelam, Tarih Ekoller Problemler. Konya: Tekin Kitabevi, 2019. | |
2 | Topaloğlu, Bekir. Kelam İlmi (Giriş). İstanbul: Damla Yayınevi, 1981. | |
3 | Eş‘arî, Ebü'l-Hasen. el-İbane an Usuli’d-Diyane, thk. Fevkiye Hüseyin Mahmud. Kahire: Dâru’l-Ensâr, 1977. | |
4 | Mâtürîdî, Ebû Mansûr. Kitâbü’t-Tevhîd. thk. Bekir Topaloğlu - Muhammed Aruçi. Ankara: Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yayınları, 3. Basım, 2017. | |
5 | Namlı, Abdullah. Kader İnancının Dini Temelleri. İstanbul: Rağbet Yayınları, 2019. | |
6 | Namlı, Abdullah. Tekvin ve Kulların Fiillerinin Yaratılışı. Ankara: İlahiyat Yayınları, 2021. | |
7 | Namlı, Abdullah. Kur’an’a Göre İnkar. İstanbul-Trabzon: Kalem Yayınları, 2021. | |
8 | Namlı, Abdullah. Allah’ın İlmi ve Mutlak Bilinmezlik. Ankara: İlahiyat Yayınları, 2022. | |
9 | Namlı, Abdullah. Ders Notları/Ders Slaytları | |
Required Course instruments and materials | ||
Textbook, Epidiascope |
Assessment Methods | |||
Type of Assessment | Week | Hours | Weight(%) |
mid-term exam | 8 | 1 | 40 |
Other assessment methods | |||
1.Oral Examination | |||
2.Quiz | |||
3.Laboratory exam | |||
4.Presentation | |||
5.Report | |||
6.Workshop | |||
7.Performance Project | |||
8.Term Paper | |||
9.Project | |||
final exam | 16 | 1 | 60 |
Student Work Load | |||
Type of Work | Weekly Hours | Number of Weeks | Work Load |
Weekly Course Hours (Theoretical+Practice) | 3 | 14 | 42 |
Outside Class | |||
a) Reading | 5 | 10 | 50 |
b) Search in internet/Library | 4 | 10 | 40 |
c) Performance Project | 0 | ||
d) Prepare a workshop/Presentation/Report | 3 | 2 | 6 |
e) Term paper/Project | 0 | ||
Oral Examination | 0 | ||
Quiz | 0 | ||
Laboratory exam | 0 | ||
Own study for mid-term exam | 4 | 5 | 20 |
mid-term exam | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Own study for final exam | 4 | 5 | 20 |
final exam | 1 | 1 | 1 |
0 | |||
0 | |||
Total work load; | 180 |