Year/Semester of Study | 1 / Fall Semester | ||||
Level of Course | 2nd Cycle Degree Programme | ||||
Type of Course | Optional | ||||
Department | BASIC ISLAMIC SCIENCES | ||||
Pre-requisities and Co-requisites | None | ||||
Mode of Delivery | Face to Face | ||||
Teaching Period | 14 Weeks | ||||
Name of Lecturer | BAYRAM ÇINAR (cinarbayram@nevsehir.edu.tr) | ||||
Name of Lecturer(s) | BAYRAM ÇINAR, | ||||
Language of Instruction | Turkish | ||||
Work Placement(s) | None | ||||
Objectives of the Course | |||||
The aim of this course; It is to give basic information about the first period of Islamic Sects and the religious-political Islamic sects living today, to have information about the reasons for religious differentiations. |
Learning Outcomes | PO | MME | |
The students who succeeded in this course: | |||
LO-1 | One can define the definition, subject and purpose of Islamic Sects. |
PO-1 Can be able to improve and deepen their knowledge in the same or different field based on the graduate level qualifications in their field of study. PO-3 Can be able to make an efficient use of the resources in a relevant field of study based on their graduate level of qualifications. |
Examination |
LO-2 | One can recognize the main Islamic sects that emerged in the historical process. |
PO-3 Can be able to make an efficient use of the resources in a relevant field of study based on their graduate level of qualifications. |
Examination |
LO-3 | One can know the important representatives of the Sects and their works. |
PO-3 Can be able to make an efficient use of the resources in a relevant field of study based on their graduate level of qualifications. |
Examination |
LO-4 | One can evaluate sects, which are human manifestations, with an impartial and scientific approach. |
PO-3 Can be able to make an efficient use of the resources in a relevant field of study based on their graduate level of qualifications. |
Examination |
LO-5 | One can explain the social, cultural, religious and political elements in the formation of sectarian ideas. |
PO-3 Can be able to make an efficient use of the resources in a relevant field of study based on their graduate level of qualifications. |
Examination |
LO-6 | One can evaluate the contributions of sects to Islamic thought. |
PO-3 Can be able to make an efficient use of the resources in a relevant field of study based on their graduate level of qualifications. |
Examination |
PO: Programme Outcomes MME:Method of measurement & Evaluation |
Course Contents | ||
Definition, subject, purpose, method of the History of Sects; Basic concepts and resources; the reasons for the emergence of sects; the first political and theological debates and sectarian movements. | ||
Weekly Course Content | ||
Week | Subject | Learning Activities and Teaching Methods |
1 | The subject, purpose, method, some concepts of the History of Islamic Sects course | Discussion and Narration Method |
2 | Sources and features of the history of classical sects, Classification of sects | Discussion and Narration Method |
3 | Early conflicts and causes leading to sectarian separation | Discussion and Narration Method |
4 | Al-Havaric and al-Ibadiyye and their political and religious thoughts | Discussion and Narration Method |
5 | Al-Shia and Zaydia their political and religious thoughts | Discussion and Narration Method |
6 | Al-Murjie and al-Mu'tazila and their political and religious thoughts | Discussion and Narration Method |
7 | Ahl al-Sunnah va al-Jamaah; al-Salafu al-Sâlihîn va al-Maturidiyyun va al-Ashaira and their political and religious thoughts | Discussion and Narration Method |
8 | mid-term exam | |
9 | İsmailiyye ve'l-mezhebü'l-İmamiyye and their political and religious thoughts | Discussion and Narration Method |
10 | Nusayriyya and their political and religious thoughts | Discussion and Narration Method |
11 | Ed-Druz and their political and religious thoughts | Discussion and Narration Method |
12 | Yezidiyya and their political and religious thoughts | Discussion and Narration Method |
13 | Qadianiyya and their political and religious thoughts | Discussion and Narration Method |
14 | Wahhabiyya and their political and religious thoughts | Discussion and Narration Method |
15 | Bahaiyya and their political and religious thoughts | Discussion and Narration Method |
16 | final exam | |
Recommend Course Book / Supplementary Book/Reading | ||
1 | Eş‘arî, Ebü’l-Hasen. Makâlâtü’l-İslâmiyyîn ve İhtilâfü’l-Musallîn. Thk. Muhammed Muhyiddin Abdülhamîd. Beyrut: Mektebetü’l-Asriyye, 1995. | |
2 | Bağdadî, Abdulkâhir. el-Fark Beyne’l-Fırak. Thk. Muhammed Muhyiddin Abdulhamid. Sayda-Beyrut: Mektebetü’l-Asriyye, 1995. | |
3 | Şehristânî, Abdülkerim. el-Milel ve’n-Nihal. thk. Emîr Ali Mehennâ - Ali Hasen Fâûr. 2 Cilt. Beyrut: Dâru’l-Ma‘rife, 6. Basım, 1997. | |
Required Course instruments and materials | ||
Classical Islamic Sects Historical Sources |
Assessment Methods | |||
Type of Assessment | Week | Hours | Weight(%) |
mid-term exam | 8 | 40 | |
Other assessment methods | |||
1.Oral Examination | |||
2.Quiz | |||
3.Laboratory exam | |||
4.Presentation | |||
5.Report | |||
6.Workshop | |||
7.Performance Project | |||
8.Term Paper | |||
9.Project | |||
final exam | 16 | 60 |
Student Work Load | |||
Type of Work | Weekly Hours | Number of Weeks | Work Load |
Weekly Course Hours (Theoretical+Practice) | 3 | 14 | 42 |
Outside Class | |||
a) Reading | 0 | ||
b) Search in internet/Library | 5 | 10 | 50 |
c) Performance Project | 4 | 10 | 40 |
d) Prepare a workshop/Presentation/Report | 0 | ||
e) Term paper/Project | 3 | 2 | 6 |
Oral Examination | 0 | ||
Quiz | 0 | ||
Laboratory exam | 0 | ||
Own study for mid-term exam | 4 | 5 | 20 |
mid-term exam | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Own study for final exam | 4 | 5 | 20 |
final exam | 1 | 1 | 1 |
0 | |||
0 | |||
Total work load; | 180 |