Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University Course Catalogue

Information Of Programmes


Code: EEM-623 Course Title: PATTERN RECOGNITION Theoretical+Practice: 3+0 ECTS: 6
Year/Semester of Study 1 / Fall Semester
Level of Course 3rd Cycle Degree Programme
Type of Course Optional
Pre-requisities and Co-requisites None
Mode of Delivery Face to Face
Teaching Period 14 Weeks
Name of Lecturer ENGİN EYCEYURT (
Name of Lecturer(s) ENGİN EYCEYURT,
Language of Instruction Turkish
Work Placement(s) None
Objectives of the Course
The aim of this course is to provide students with comprehensive knowledge and application skills about pattern recognition techniques and algorithms. The course will cover the mathematical foundations of pattern recognition problems, feature extraction, classification methods, machine learning algorithms, accuracy assessment methods and real-world applications. Students will develop their ability to identify and distinguish patterns from various types of data (images, audio, text, etc.), learn current technologies and approaches in this field and gain the ability to solve problems in various engineering and scientific fields.

Learning Outcomes PO MME
The students who succeeded in this course:
LO-1 Students can explain general concepts related to pattern recognition. PO-1 Conducting scientific research on subjects specific to the Electrical and Electronics Engineering discipline, interpreting this information and gaining application skills.
PO-2 Ability to develop, select and use modern techniques and tools required for the analysis and solution of complex problems encountered in engineering applications; has the ability to use information technologies effectively.
PO-3 Completing and applying specific, limited or missing data with scientific methods; the ability to use information from different disciplines together.
PO-6 Uses existing methods and devices in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering according to standards, designs experiments, conducts experiments, collects data, analyzes and interprets the results.
PO-7 Awareness of the necessity of lifelong learning; ability to access information, follow developments in science and technology and constantly renew oneself.
PO-11 Ability to communicate effectively in Turkish, both verbally and in writing; knowledge of at least one foreign language; ability to write effective reports and understand written reports, prepare design and production reports, make effective presentations, and have the ability to give and receive clear and understandable instructions.
LO-2 Students can define feature selection methods. PO-1 Conducting scientific research on subjects specific to the Electrical and Electronics Engineering discipline, interpreting this information and gaining application skills.
PO-2 Ability to develop, select and use modern techniques and tools required for the analysis and solution of complex problems encountered in engineering applications; has the ability to use information technologies effectively.
PO-7 Awareness of the necessity of lifelong learning; ability to access information, follow developments in science and technology and constantly renew oneself.
PO-9 Has knowledge about the universal and societal effects of engineering practices on health, environment and safety and the contemporary problems reflected in the field of engineering.
PO-11 Ability to communicate effectively in Turkish, both verbally and in writing; knowledge of at least one foreign language; ability to write effective reports and understand written reports, prepare design and production reports, make effective presentations, and have the ability to give and receive clear and understandable instructions.
Term Paper
LO-3 Students can also work together with other branches thanks to the pattern recognition applications they learn. PO-2 Ability to develop, select and use modern techniques and tools required for the analysis and solution of complex problems encountered in engineering applications; has the ability to use information technologies effectively.
PO-3 Completing and applying specific, limited or missing data with scientific methods; the ability to use information from different disciplines together.
PO-4 Demonstrates effective skills, self-confidence in taking responsibility and teamwork, both individually and in multi-disciplinary teams, both nationally and internationally.
PO-7 Awareness of the necessity of lifelong learning; ability to access information, follow developments in science and technology and constantly renew oneself.
PO-9 Has knowledge about the universal and societal effects of engineering practices on health, environment and safety and the contemporary problems reflected in the field of engineering.
PO: Programme Outcomes
MME:Method of measurement & Evaluation

Course Contents
This course is built on fundamental concepts such as feature extraction, dimensionality reduction, and decision functions. In addition to mathematical background, determination of optimum decision criteria and implementation of training algorithms (forward and feedback learning) will also be covered. Pattern recognition processes using supervised and unsupervised learning methods and artificial neural networks will be examined, and comparisons will be made with statistical pattern recognition. In addition, the logic and application areas of fuzzy classifiers will be discussed, providing a comprehensive understanding of current techniques in these areas.
Weekly Course Content
Week Subject Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
1 Basic concepts and mathematical background Lecture, question and answer, discussion
2 Feature extraction and feature selection Lecture, question and answer, discussion
3 Feature selection Lecture, question and answer, discussion
4 Data transformation Lecture, question and answer, discussion
5 Data size reduction Lecture, question and answer, discussion
6 Decision functions Lecture, question and answer, discussion
7 mid-term exam
8 Supervised and unsupervised learning Lecture, question and answer, discussion
9 Feedforward and feedback learning Lecture, question and answer, discussion
10 Pattern recognition with artificial neural networks Lecture, question and answer, discussion
11 Statistical comparison of pattern recognition Lecture, question and answer, discussion
12 Fuzzy classifiers Lecture, question and answer, discussion
13 Applications of fuzzy classifiers Lecture, question and answer, discussion
14 General review and final exam preparation Lecture, question and answer, discussion
15 final exam
Recommend Course Book / Supplementary Book/Reading
1 Introduction to Pattern Recognition: A MATLAB Approach, S. Theodoridis, A. Pikrakis, K. Koutroumbas, D. Cavouras, Academic Press, 2010.
2 Pattern Classification: Neuro-Fuzzy Methods and Their Comparision, Shigeo Abe, Springer Verlag, 2001.
Required Course instruments and materials
Textbook, projector, personal computer and python software

Assessment Methods
Type of Assessment Week Hours Weight(%)
mid-term exam 8 1 40
Other assessment methods
1.Oral Examination
3.Laboratory exam
7.Performance Project
8.Term Paper
final exam 16 1 60

Student Work Load
Type of Work Weekly Hours Number of Weeks Work Load
Weekly Course Hours (Theoretical+Practice) 3 14 42
Outside Class
       a) Reading 3 14 42
       b) Search in internet/Library 3 10 30
       c) Performance Project 0
       d) Prepare a workshop/Presentation/Report 4 5 20
       e) Term paper/Project 0
Oral Examination 0
Quiz 0
Laboratory exam 0
Own study for mid-term exam 2 7 14
mid-term exam 2 1 2
Own study for final exam 4 7 28
final exam 2 1 2
Total work load; 180