Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University Course Catalogue

Information Of Programmes


Code: FİZ418 Course Title: RENEWABLE ENERGY RESOURCES Theoretical+Practice: 2+0 ECTS: 5
Year/Semester of Study 4 / Spring Semester
Level of Course 1st Cycle Degree Programme
Type of Course Optional
Department PHYSICS
Pre-requisities and Co-requisites None
Mode of Delivery Face to Face
Teaching Period 14 Weeks
Name of Lecturer SEZEN AKSÖZ (
Name of Lecturer(s)
Language of Instruction Turkish
Work Placement(s) None
Objectives of the Course
The purpose of this lecture is to give basic knowledge concerning renewable and fossil energy sources, Turkey’s energy status, sustainable alternative energy sources and energy strategy.

Learning Outcomes PO MME
The students who succeeded in this course:
LO-1 She/he can define and list renewable and fossil fuel energy sources. PO-3 Communicate scientific ideas clearly and effectively.
PO-7 In courses involving laboratory , the student will demonstrate the ability to collect and analyze data using suitable computer programs and to prepare coherent reports of his or her findings.
LO-2 She/he can assess the installed power, energy demand and energy sources of Turkey. PO-1 To demonstrate their knowledge of the basic scientific principles and fundamental concepts and skills of the field.
PO-3 Communicate scientific ideas clearly and effectively.
LO-3 She/he can compare energy sources with each other PO-1 To demonstrate their knowledge of the basic scientific principles and fundamental concepts and skills of the field.
PO-7 In courses involving laboratory , the student will demonstrate the ability to collect and analyze data using suitable computer programs and to prepare coherent reports of his or her findings.
LO-4 She/he can discuss the effects of the energy sources on the environment. PO-1 To demonstrate their knowledge of the basic scientific principles and fundamental concepts and skills of the field.
PO-3 Communicate scientific ideas clearly and effectively.
PO: Programme Outcomes
MME:Method of measurement & Evaluation

Course Contents
Renewable energy sources; Hydraulic energy; Geothermal energy; Solar energy;Wind energy; Biomass energy; Lignite and hard coal; Natural gas; Petroleum; Uranium and nuclear energy; Turkey’s installed power and energy demand; Turkey’s sustainable alternative energy sources;Turkey’s energy strategy; Energy and environment.
Weekly Course Content
Week Subject Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
1 Renewable energy sources Lecture and presentation
2 Hydraulic energy Lecture and presentation
3 Geothermal energy Lecture and presentation
4 Solar energy Lecture and presentation
5 Wind energy Lecture and presentation
6 Biomass energy Lecture and presentation
7 Lignite and hard coal Lecture and presentation
8 mid-term exam
9 Natural gas Lecture and presentation
10 Petroleum
11 Uranium and nuclear energy Lecture and presentation
12 Turkey’s installed power and energy demand Lecture and presentation
13 Turkey’s sustainable alternative energy sources Lecture and presentation
14 Turkey’s energy strategy Lecture and presentation
15 Energy and environment Lecture and presentation
16 final exam
Recommend Course Book / Supplementary Book/Reading
1 21. Yüzyıla Girerken Türkiye'nin Enerji Stratejisinin Değerlendirilmesi, TÜSİAD Yayın No: TÜSİAD-T/98-12/239
2 Mustafa ACAROĞLU, Alternatif Enerji Kaynakları, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım
Required Course instruments and materials
Project equipment (overhead projector), laptop.

Assessment Methods
Type of Assessment Week Hours Weight(%)
mid-term exam 8 1 40
Other assessment methods
1.Oral Examination
3.Laboratory exam
7.Performance Project
8.Term Paper
final exam 16 1 60

Student Work Load
Type of Work Weekly Hours Number of Weeks Work Load
Weekly Course Hours (Theoretical+Practice) 3 14 42
Outside Class
       a) Reading 2 10 20
       b) Search in internet/Library 10 2 20
       c) Performance Project 0
       d) Prepare a workshop/Presentation/Report 2 10 20
       e) Term paper/Project 0
Oral Examination 0
Quiz 0
Laboratory exam 0
Own study for mid-term exam 2 8 16
mid-term exam 1 1 1
Own study for final exam 3 10 30
final exam 1 1 1
Total work load; 150