Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University Course Catalogue

Information Of Programmes


Code: YBP 123 Course Title: PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN THE ELDERLY Theoretical+Practice: 2+0 ECTS: 3
Year/Semester of Study 1 / Fall Semester
Level of Course Short Cycle Degree Programme
Type of Course Optional
Pre-requisities and Co-requisites None
Mode of Delivery Face to Face
Teaching Period 14 Weeks
Name of Lecturer KAMURAN ÖZDİL (
Name of Lecturer(s) KAMURAN ÖZDİL,
Language of Instruction Turkish
Work Placement(s) None
Objectives of the Course
The aim of this course is to gain knowledge and skills about physical activity in old age.

Learning Outcomes PO MME
The students who succeeded in this course:
LO-1 The students can explain the basic concepts of physical activity. PO-1 Elder care and access to basic scientific knowledge, assessment, and has to apply the knowledge.
PO-3 Has the ability to independently evaluate professional problems and issues with an analytical and critical approach and to propose solutions.
PO-10 Life-long learning is conscious.
LO-2 The students can identify the factors that influence and physical changes observed in old age. PO-1 Elder care and access to basic scientific knowledge, assessment, and has to apply the knowledge.
PO-3 Has the ability to independently evaluate professional problems and issues with an analytical and critical approach and to propose solutions.
PO-4 The old and the physical, mental, and social change defines, in accordance with the requirements of the care that gives directions.
PO-6 Takes responsibility as a team member to solve unforeseen and complex problems encountered in applications related to his/her field.
PO-10 Life-long learning is conscious.
LO-3 The students can know the basic rules for the execution of applications physical activity in old age PO-1 Elder care and access to basic scientific knowledge, assessment, and has to apply the knowledge.
PO-3 Has the ability to independently evaluate professional problems and issues with an analytical and critical approach and to propose solutions.
PO-5 Elder care about the data collection, interpretation, and publicizing the results of the implementation stages of the social, scientific, cultural, and act in accordance with ethical values.
PO-6 Takes responsibility as a team member to solve unforeseen and complex problems encountered in applications related to his/her field.
PO-7 As a species, duties, rights and responsibilities, and related laws, regulations, legislation, and act in accordance with the rules of professional ethics.
PO-8 Elder care is basic information related to the dependent and independent of the background using the LED.
LO-4 The students can follow closely the latest developments and plan to be implemented during old age and physical activity initiatives PO-1 Elder care and access to basic scientific knowledge, assessment, and has to apply the knowledge.
PO-2 Follows current developments and practices for his/her profession and uses them effectively.
PO-3 Has the ability to independently evaluate professional problems and issues with an analytical and critical approach and to propose solutions.
PO-5 Elder care about the data collection, interpretation, and publicizing the results of the implementation stages of the social, scientific, cultural, and act in accordance with ethical values.
PO-10 Life-long learning is conscious.
PO-13 Have knowledge about occupational health and safety, environmental awareness and quality processes.
PO-14 Describe the physiology of aging and senescence.
PO: Programme Outcomes
MME:Method of measurement & Evaluation

Course Contents
Basic concepts related to physical activity in old age, physical activity covers the knowledge and skills related to applications.
Weekly Course Content
Week Subject Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
1 Explanation of the lesson schedule, Effects of aging on the musculoskeletal system Questions and Answers, Discussion Method
2 Conditions to be considered in elderly care Lecture Method, Discussion Method, Concept map
3 Domestic environmental regulations in elderly people Lecture Method, Discussion Method
4 Environmental regulations outside the home for elderly individuals Method of Narration Brainstorming
5 Older individuals be directed to the activity and participation Method of Narration Brainstorming
6 Importance of body mechanics and posture in elderly people Discussion Method Lecture Method Case Study Method
7 Effects of regular physical activity in the elderly and conditions that need attention Discussion Method Lecture Method Case Study Method
8 mid-term exam
9 Approach methods to pain in elderly people Discussion Method Lecture Method Case Study Method
10 Positioning in the elderly Lecture Method Answer questions Reading an article
11 Transfer and mobility in elderly people Planned Group Work Question answer
12 Balance, fall and prevention in elderly individuals Discussion Method Lecture Method Case Study Method
13 Use of walking and other assistive devices in the elderly Discussion Method Lecture Method Case Study Method
14 Exercise and sports in the elderly Method of Narration Brainstorming
15 Cognitive process and psycho-social support in old age Evaluation of the lesson Lecture Method Answer questions Reading an article
16 final exam
Recommend Course Book / Supplementary Book/Reading
1 Karadakovan A., Yaşlı sağlığı ve Bakım, Ankara, 2014.
2 Akdemir Nuran, Tülin Bedük, Birol Leman, İç Hastalıkları Hemşireliği, 6. Baskı, Ankara.
3 Kutsal, Yeşim Gökçe, Temel Geriatri, 1. Baskı, Öncü Basımevi, Ankara, 2007
4 Fındık Ü., Erol Ö., Geriatrik Hasta ve Hemşirelik Bakımı, Ankara, 2010.
5 Geriatride Güncel Hemşirelik Yaklaşımları Sempozyum Kitabı 17-19 Nisan 2014
Required Course instruments and materials
Course notes prepared by the instructor, selected articles, exercise videos, exercise materials, books, computer

Assessment Methods
Type of Assessment Week Hours Weight(%)
mid-term exam 8 1 20
Other assessment methods
1.Oral Examination 14 1 20
3.Laboratory exam
7.Performance Project
8.Term Paper
final exam 16 2 60

Student Work Load
Type of Work Weekly Hours Number of Weeks Work Load
Weekly Course Hours (Theoretical+Practice) 2 14 28
Outside Class
       a) Reading 1 10 10
       b) Search in internet/Library 0
       c) Performance Project 0
       d) Prepare a workshop/Presentation/Report 0
       e) Term paper/Project 0
Oral Examination 1 11 11
Quiz 0
Laboratory exam 0
Own study for mid-term exam 3 6 18
mid-term exam 1 1 1
Own study for final exam 3 7 21
final exam 1 1 1
Total work load; 90