Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University Course Catalogue

Information Of Programmes


Code: ÇGE 205 Course Title: APPLICATION OF PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS I Theoretical+Practice: 2+6 ECTS: 8
Year/Semester of Study 2 / Fall Semester
Level of Course Short Cycle Degree Programme
Type of Course Compulsory
Pre-requisities and Co-requisites None
Mode of Delivery Face to Face
Teaching Period 14 Weeks
Name of Lecturer(s) FATMA ÇAKIR AKSUNGUR,
Language of Instruction Turkish
Work Placement(s) None
Objectives of the Course
The aim of this course is to gain knowledge and skills about program stages in preschool education, types of activities in preschool, content features of activities and planning activities in preschool education and implementing the planned activity in institutions.

Learning Outcomes PO MME
The students who succeeded in this course:
LO-1 Explain the daily plan and the content of the daily plan in preschool education. PO-1 Gains basic theoretical and practical knowledge in education and care services related to the field.
PO-2 Uses tools, materials, materials, information tools and communication technologies in the work processes related to the field.
PO-3 She uses the advanced theoretical and practical knowledge she has acquired in her field.
PO-4 Demonstrates the ability to interpret and evaluate data, analyze data, and develop solution suggestions based on research and evidence, using the knowledge and skills acquired in the field.
PO-5 Independently carries out a basic level study related to the field.
PO-17 Develops a holistic perspective on child development.
PO-19 It carries out studies to raise public awareness about child development.
PO-21 Has the ability to prepare plans and implement activities for pre-school education institutions.
LO-2 Can plan and prepare daily plan activities in pre-school education institutions. PO-1 Gains basic theoretical and practical knowledge in education and care services related to the field.
PO-2 Uses tools, materials, materials, information tools and communication technologies in the work processes related to the field.
PO-3 She uses the advanced theoretical and practical knowledge she has acquired in her field.
PO-4 Demonstrates the ability to interpret and evaluate data, analyze data, and develop solution suggestions based on research and evidence, using the knowledge and skills acquired in the field.
PO-5 Independently carries out a basic level study related to the field.
PO-12 He/she takes an active role in scientific and professional organizations specific to his/her field or follows the scientific activities of these organizations.
PO-17 Develops a holistic perspective on child development.
PO-19 It carries out studies to raise public awareness about child development.
PO-21 Has the ability to prepare plans and implement activities for pre-school education institutions.
LO-3 Prepare and implement a full-day plan suitable for the developmental level of children in pre-school education. PO-1 Gains basic theoretical and practical knowledge in education and care services related to the field.
PO-2 Uses tools, materials, materials, information tools and communication technologies in the work processes related to the field.
PO-3 She uses the advanced theoretical and practical knowledge she has acquired in her field.
PO-4 Demonstrates the ability to interpret and evaluate data, analyze data, and develop solution suggestions based on research and evidence, using the knowledge and skills acquired in the field.
PO-5 Independently carries out a basic level study related to the field.
PO-12 He/she takes an active role in scientific and professional organizations specific to his/her field or follows the scientific activities of these organizations.
PO-17 Develops a holistic perspective on child development.
PO-19 It carries out studies to raise public awareness about child development.
PO-21 Has the ability to prepare plans and implement activities for pre-school education institutions.
PO: Programme Outcomes
MME:Method of measurement & Evaluation

Course Contents
This course covers the stages of the program in pre-school education, the types of activities in preschool, the content features of the activities and the knowledge and skills of planning an activity in preschool education and implementing the planned activity in institutions.
Weekly Course Content
Week Subject Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
1 Presentation of course content. Monthly plan and monthly plan content in pre-school education institutions. Lecture Method, Question and Answer, Report Preparation
2 Daily plan and daily plan content in pre-school education institutions. Lecture Method, Question and Answer, Report Preparation
3 Planning and writing activities to welcome children in pre-school education institutions. Lecture Method, Question and Answer, Report Preparation
4 Planning and writing Turkish activities in pre-school education institutions. Lecture Method, Question and Answer, Report Preparation, Self Study Method
5 Planning and writing music activities in pre-school education institutions. Lecture Method, Question and Answer, Report Preparation, Self Study Method
6 Science activity planning and writing in pre-school education institutions. Lecture Method, Question and Answer, Report Preparation, Self Study Method
7 Mathematics activity planning and writing in pre-school education institutions. Lecture Method, Question and Answer, Report Preparation, Self Study Method
8 mid-term exam
9 Game and movement activity planning and writing in pre-school education institutions. Lecture Method, Question and Answer, Report Preparation, Self Study Method
10 Planning and writing family involvement activity in pre-school education institutions. Lecture Method, Question and Answer, Report Preparation, Self Study Method
11 Preparing and applying a full-day training flow to apply in pre-school education institutions 1. Lecture Method, Report Preparation, Self Study Method
12 Preparing and applying a full-day training flow to apply in pre-school education institutions 2. Lecture Method, Report Preparation, Self Study Method
13 Preparing and applying a full-day training flow to apply in pre-school education institutions 3. Lecture Method, Report Preparation, Self Study Method
14 Preparing and applying a full-day training flow to apply in pre-school education institutions 4. Lecture Method, Report Preparation, Self Study Method
15 Preparing and applying a full-day training flow to apply in pre-school education institutions 5. Lecture Method, Report Preparation, Self Study Method
16 final exam
Recommend Course Book / Supplementary Book/Reading
1 Danacı Özözen, M.(2015). Eğitimde araç gereç geliştirme. Ankara: Eğiten Yayıncılık.
2 Kelleci, D. 82018). Okul öncesinde materyal geliştire. Ankara: Vize Yayıncılık.
Required Course instruments and materials
Lecture Notes, Computer, Projection, Blackboard

Assessment Methods
Type of Assessment Week Hours Weight(%)
mid-term exam
Other assessment methods
1.Oral Examination
3.Laboratory exam
5.Report 14 1 100
7.Performance Project
8.Term Paper
final exam

Student Work Load
Type of Work Weekly Hours Number of Weeks Work Load
Weekly Course Hours (Theoretical+Practice) 2 14 28
Outside Class
       a) Reading 0
       b) Search in internet/Library 1 14 14
       c) Performance Project 0
       d) Prepare a workshop/Presentation/Report 6 14 84
       e) Term paper/Project 0
Oral Examination 0
Quiz 0
Laboratory exam 0
Own study for mid-term exam 8 7 56
mid-term exam 1 1 1
Own study for final exam 8 7 56
final exam 1 1 1
Total work load; 240