Year/Semester of Study | 1 / Spring Semester | ||||
Level of Course | 2nd Cycle Degree Programme | ||||
Type of Course | Optional | ||||
Pre-requisities and Co-requisites | None | ||||
Mode of Delivery | Face to Face | ||||
Teaching Period | 14 Weeks | ||||
Name of Lecturer | HÜSEYİN ARAS (huseyinaras@nevsehir.edu.tr) | ||||
Name of Lecturer(s) | |||||
Language of Instruction | Turkish | ||||
Work Placement(s) | None | ||||
Objectives of the Course | |||||
To examine the legal dimension of the fight against terrorism, its relation with democratization theories and processes, the balance of security-freedom, the fight against terrorism and the legitimacy of the fight against terrorism and the international support it will provide, and to determine the fact that counter-terrorism strategies that do not include this approach can contribute to the further strengthening of terrorism. |
Learning Outcomes | PO | MME | |
The students who succeeded in this course: | |||
LO-1 | can learn theoretical and practical counter-terrorism strategies at local and global level. |
PO-6 follows national and international developments on security and terrorism. |
Examination |
LO-2 | can comprehend the international dimensions of terrorism, democracy and human rights. |
PO-6 follows national and international developments on security and terrorism. PO-7 introduces critical approaches to political studies in national and international level abaout the fields of security and terrorism. |
Examination |
LO-3 | can recognize the international organizations that have a counter-terrorism mission and the activities of those organizations. |
PO-1 Can interpret international security and terrorism issues from theoretical and conceptual perspectives. PO-2 comprehends the aims, objectives, types, causes, dynamics, financing of terrorism and its role in international power struggles. PO-5 comments on new security needs that may arise in line with global developments and the possible effects of these needs on international relations. PO-6 follows national and international developments on security and terrorism. PO-7 introduces critical approaches to political studies in national and international level abaout the fields of security and terrorism. |
Examination |
LO-4 | can develop predictions about the future of international terrorism. |
PO-1 Can interpret international security and terrorism issues from theoretical and conceptual perspectives. PO-2 comprehends the aims, objectives, types, causes, dynamics, financing of terrorism and its role in international power struggles. PO-4 develops policies on the methods, techniques and strategies of effective fight against local and global terrorism. PO-6 follows national and international developments on security and terrorism. PO-7 introduces critical approaches to political studies in national and international level abaout the fields of security and terrorism. PO-8 fulfills the various roles that it can take in the pre-service and in-service training activities for the security professionals. |
Examination |
LO-5 | can develop policies to meet the current needs for the fight against terrorism. |
PO-4 develops policies on the methods, techniques and strategies of effective fight against local and global terrorism. PO-5 comments on new security needs that may arise in line with global developments and the possible effects of these needs on international relations. PO-6 follows national and international developments on security and terrorism. PO-7 introduces critical approaches to political studies in national and international level abaout the fields of security and terrorism. PO-8 fulfills the various roles that it can take in the pre-service and in-service training activities for the security professionals. PO-9 performs scientific studies on international security and terrorism. |
Examination |
PO: Programme Outcomes MME:Method of measurement & Evaluation |
Course Contents | ||
Basic concepts: security, legitimacy, radicalization, violent extremism, terrorism, terrorism, democracy, human rights, the fight against terrorism, combating terrorism; anti-terrorism strategies and examples from around the world; combating terrorism and combating terrorism; the legitimacy of terrorism and the fight against terrorism; various dimensions of the fight against terrorism and terrorism; the importance of democracy and respect for human rights in the fight against terrorism; international organizations with a counter-terrorism mission and their activities; original policies that can be employed to combat terrorism and terrorism effectively. | ||
Weekly Course Content | ||
Week | Subject | Learning Activities and Teaching Methods |
1 | Basic concepts: security, legitimacy, radicalization, violent extremism, terror, terrorism, democracy, human rights, counterterror, counterterrorism | Discussion, explanation, case study, question-answer |
2 | Basic concepts: security, legitimacy, radicalization, violent extremism, terror, terrorism, democracy, human rights, counterterror, counterterrorism | Discussion, explanation, case study, question-answer |
3 | Counterterror strategies and examples from around the world | Discussion, explanation, case study, question-answer |
4 | Counterterror and counterterrorism | Discussion, explanation, case study, question-answer |
5 | The legitimacy of the counterterror and terrorism | Discussion, explanation, case study, question-answer |
6 | Various dimensions of the counterterror and terrorism | Discussion, question and answer, brain storming |
7 | The importance of democracy and respect for human rights in counterterror | Discussion, question and answer, brain storming |
8 | mid-term exam | |
9 | International organizations and their activities in the counterterror | Discussion, question and answer, brain storming |
10 | International organizations and their activities in the counterterror | Discussion, question and answer, brain storming |
11 | International organizations and their activities in the counterterror | Discussion, question and answer, brain storming |
12 | Unique policies that can be employed to counterterror and counterterrorism effectively. | Discussion, question and answer, brain storming |
13 | Unique policies that can be employed to counterterror and counterterrorism effectively. | Discussion, question and answer, brain storming |
14 | Unique policies that can be employed to counterterror and counterterrorism effectively. | Discussion, question and answer, brain storming |
15 | final exam | |
Recommend Course Book / Supplementary Book/Reading | ||
1 | Özçer, Akın, 2006, Çoğul İspanya Anayasal Sistemi ve Ayrılıkçı Terörle Mücadele Modeli, İmge Kitabevi. | |
2 | Altun, Fahrettin ve Yalçın, Hasan Basri, 2018, Terörün Kökenleri ve Terörle Mücadele Stratejisi, SETA Kitapları. | |
3 | Gürbüz, Reşit, 2018, İnsan Hakları ve Demokratikleşme, Kuram Kitap. | |
4 | Türkeri, Zekine, 2007, Bask Meselesi Bir Tarih Bir Otonomi Bir Sorun, Dipnot Yayınları. | |
5 | Caşin, Mesut Hakkı, 2008, Uluslararası Terörizm, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, “Terörün Nedenleri ve Motivatörleri” s.277-410. | |
6 | Martin, Gus, 2017, Terörizm: Kavramlar ve Kuramlar (Çev. İhsan Çapcıoğlu ve Bahadır Metin), Adres Yayınları. | |
7 | Lutz, Brenda ve Lutz, James, 2017, “Terörizm”, Çağdaş Güvenlik Çalışmaları (Ed. Allan Collins), (Çev. Nasuh Uslu), Röle Akademik Yayıncılık, s.273-288. | |
8 | Yiğittepe, Levent, 2017, Nato Güvenlik Politikaları ve Terörle Mücadele Stratejileri, Cinius Yayınları. | |
9 | Şen, Osman, 2017, 21.Yüzyılın Başlangıcında Terörizmle Stratejik Mücadele, Alfa Yayınları. | |
10 | Yayla, Atilla, 1990, Terörizm: Kavramsal Bir Çerçeve, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, Cilt 45, Sayı 1, s. 335-385. | |
11 | Yılmaz, Sait, 2017, Uluslararası Güvenlik Teori Pratik ve Gelecek, Kaynak Yayınları. | |
12 | Hobsbawm, Eric, 2008, Küreselleşme Demokrasi ve Terörizm (Çev. Osman Akınhay), Agora Kitaplığı. | |
13 | Chomsky, Noam, 2002, “Uluslararası Terörizm: Görünüş ile Gerçek”, Silinen Yüzler Karşısında Terör (Haz. Cemal Güzel), Ayraç Yayınevi, s.217-254. | |
14 | Çağlar, Ali, 2009, “Terör ve Terörizm: Kavramsal Analiz”, Terör ve Türkiye (Ed. Ali Çağlar), Gazi Kitabevi, s.5-36. | |
15 | Çitlioğlu, Ercan, 2009, “Terörizm ve Küreselleşme”, Terör ve Türkiye (Ed. Ali Çağlar), Gazi Kitabevi, s.329-343. | |
Required Course instruments and materials | ||
Computer, projection device, blackboard |
Assessment Methods | |||
Type of Assessment | Week | Hours | Weight(%) |
mid-term exam | 8 | 1 | 40 |
Other assessment methods | |||
1.Oral Examination | |||
2.Quiz | |||
3.Laboratory exam | |||
4.Presentation | |||
5.Report | |||
6.Workshop | |||
7.Performance Project | |||
8.Term Paper | |||
9.Project | |||
final exam | 16 | 1 | 60 |
Student Work Load | |||
Type of Work | Weekly Hours | Number of Weeks | Work Load |
Weekly Course Hours (Theoretical+Practice) | 3 | 12 | 36 |
Outside Class | |||
a) Reading | 3 | 12 | 36 |
b) Search in internet/Library | 3 | 12 | 36 |
c) Performance Project | 0 | ||
d) Prepare a workshop/Presentation/Report | 3 | 12 | 36 |
e) Term paper/Project | 0 | ||
Oral Examination | 0 | ||
Quiz | 0 | ||
Laboratory exam | 0 | ||
Own study for mid-term exam | 2 | 7 | 14 |
mid-term exam | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Own study for final exam | 2 | 5 | 10 |
final exam | 1 | 1 | 1 |
0 | |||
0 | |||
Total work load; | 170 |