Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University Course Catalogue

Information Of Programmes



Qualification Awarded

Level of Qualification

Specific Admission Requirements

Specific Arrangement For Recognition of Prior Learning

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

Profile of The Programme

Key Learning Outcomes of the Programme

PO-1 Students will be able to use terminology, problem solving skills, technical and method knowledge to evaluate art and design on a common basis.
PO-2 Students has the technological and theoretical knowledge, equipment and aesthetic awareness about the field.
PO-3 Students use the accumulation gained from different branches of art and design in an interdisciplinary approach.
PO-4 Students will be able to solve two, three and four dimensional design problems and perform their applications.
PO-5 Students will be able to define the sociological philosophical and historical process of human existence in the cultural dimension.
PO-6 Develop the strategies that define the media, communication and art processes as theoretically.
PO-7 Students develop strategies for target audience, product / service and market-oriented communication.
PO-8 Interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary cooperation.
PO-9 Students will be able to apply their practices scientifically and philosophically.
PO-10 Describes how to visual communication of meaning and signification.
PO-11 Students use existing computer technologies in the area of interest.
PO-12 Students have the ability to interpret and direct consumer behavior.
PO-13 Students can do scientific research in their field and convert their research into scientific writings.
PO-14 They can write a thesis with using scientific research methods and techniques.

NQF-HETR Program Outcomes Matrices
TYYC PÇ-1 PÇ-2 PÇ-3 PÇ-4 PÇ-5 PÇ-6 PÇ-7 PÇ-8 PÇ-9 PÇ-10 PÇ-11 PÇ-12 PÇ-13 PÇ-14
1- Develop and deepen knowledge in the same or in a different field to the proficiency level based on Bachelor level qualifications. X X X X X X X
2- Conceive the interdisciplinary interaction which the field is related with.
1- Use of theoretical and practical knowledge within the field at a proficiency level. X X X X X X X
2- Interpret the knowledge about the field by integrating the information gathered from different disciplines and formulate new knowledge. X X X X X X X
3- Solve the problem faced related to the field by using research methods.
1- Independently conduct studies that require proficiency in the field. X X X X
2-Take responsibility and develop new strategic solutions as a team member in order to solve unexpected complex problems faced within the applications in the field. X X X
3- Demonstrate leadership in contexts that require solving problems related to the field. X X X X X
1- Evaluate knowledge and skills acquired at proficiency level in the field with a critical approach and direct the learning. X X X
1- Communicate current developments and studies within the field to both professional and non-professional groups systematically using written, oral and visual techniques by supporting with quantitative and qualitative data. X X X X X
2- Investigate, improve social connections and their conducting norms with a critical view and act to change them when necessary. X X X X
3- Communicate with peers by using a foreign language at least at a level of European Language Portfolio B2 General Level. X X X X
4- Use advanced informatics and communication technology skills with software knowledge required by the field.
1- Audit the data gathering, interpretation, implementation and announcement stages by taking into consideration the cultural, scientific, and ethic values and teach these values. X X X X
2- Develop strategy, policy and implementation plans on the issues related to the field and assess the findings within the frame of quality processes.
3- Use the knowledge, problem solving and/or implementation skills in interdisciplinary studies.
Basic Area Competencies-Program Outcomes Matrix (Academic Weighted)
Açıklama PÇ-1 PÇ-2 PÇ-3 PÇ-4 PÇ-5 PÇ-6 PÇ-7 PÇ-8 PÇ-9 PÇ-10 PÇ-11 PÇ-12 PÇ-13 PÇ-14
It has advanced art culture and aesthetic knowledge specific to the area. X X X X
In line with pre-acquired knowledge and skills, he has knowledge about the establishment and implementation relationship in a study developed as a result of their creativity. X X X X X X X X
It has the art and aesthetic knowledge that can be directed to the production. X X X X
Understands interdisciplinary interaction in which the field is associated. X X X X X
Based on licensing qualifications, develops and deepens the knowledge, methods and techniques he has in the field. X X X X
The information, methods and techniques associated with the field are associated with other disciplines. X X X X X X
It produces a works of art on which creativity and high level skills are displayed. X X X
Interpret an artwork that requires high level skills. X X X X
Plan and manage the stages of artistic / scientific studies. X X X X
Constitute the process and method of personal art and design.
Plans project processes.
Identifies their goals in the art and culture medium.
Comments by criticizing the work of himself and others. X X X
It determines national and international resources in the field and personal development.
Leads to learning.
Express the purpose of their own work in effectively by defining the value and its meaning for the target audience. X
By participating in the discussions on the art and design, actively transfers their views. X X X
Transfers their acquisitions to the society. X
The national and international project team has a level of communication that can be active in the project.
Persuades an art action and other people to start the application.
Oral and written communication in at least one foreign language (European Language Portfolio General level: B2 level).
It uses information and communication technologies in advanced level at the level required by the field. X
It offers innovative, original art and design structure.
Shares and implements the information in the field in the interdisciplinary study environment. X X X X
It is involved in the protection and introduction of cultural values ​​in the awareness process.

Turkey Higher Education Qualifications Framework (TYYC, Level 7,) ) Basic Field Competencies (Academic Weighted) PROGRAM ÇIKTILARI TYYÇ
PÇ-1 PÇ-2 PÇ-3 PÇ-4 PÇ-5 PÇ-6 PÇ-7 PÇ-8 PÇ-9 PÇ-10 PÇ-11 PÇ-12 PÇ-13 PÇ-14
KNOWLEDGE Theoretical-Conceptual It has advanced art culture and aesthetic knowledge specific to the area. 1 x x x x x x x x x x x 1- Develop and deepen knowledge in the same or in a different field to the proficiency level based on Bachelor level qualifications. Theoretical-Conceptual KNOWLEDGE
KNOWLEDGE Theoretical-Conceptual In line with pre-acquired knowledge and skills, he has knowledge about the establishment and implementation relationship in a study developed as a result of their creativity. 2 x x x x x x x x 2- Conceive the interdisciplinary interaction which the field is related with. Theoretical-Conceptual KNOWLEDGE
KNOWLEDGE Theoretical-Conceptual It has the art and aesthetic knowledge that can be directed to the production. 3 x x x x Theoretical-Conceptual KNOWLEDGE
KNOWLEDGE Theoretical-Conceptual Understands interdisciplinary interaction in which the field is associated. 4 x x x x x Theoretical-Conceptual KNOWLEDGE
SKILLS Cognitive-Practical Based on licensing qualifications, develops and deepens the knowledge, methods and techniques he has in the field. 1 x x x x x x x x x x x 1- Use of theoretical and practical knowledge within the field at a proficiency level. Cognitive-Practical SKILLS
SKILLS Cognitive-Practical The information, methods and techniques associated with the field are associated with other disciplines. 2 x x x x x x x x x x x x x 2- Interpret the knowledge about the field by integrating the information gathered from different disciplines and formulate new knowledge. Cognitive-Practical SKILLS
SKILLS Cognitive-Practical It produces a works of art on which creativity and high level skills are displayed. 3 x x x 3- Solve the problem faced related to the field by using research methods. Cognitive-Practical SKILLS
SKILLS Cognitive-Practical Interpret an artwork that requires high level skills. 4 x x x x Cognitive-Practical SKILLS
SKILLS Cognitive-Practical Plan and manage the stages of artistic / scientific studies. 5 x x x x Cognitive-Practical SKILLS
COMPETENCES Identifies their goals in the art and culture medium. 1 x x x 1- Evaluate knowledge and skills acquired at proficiency level in the field with a critical approach and direct the learning. Learning Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES Comments by criticizing the work of himself and others. 2 x x x Learning Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES It determines national and international resources in the field and personal development. 3 Learning Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES Leads to learning. 4 Learning Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES Express the purpose of their own work in effectively by defining the value and its meaning for the target audience. 1 x x x x x x 1- Communicate current developments and studies within the field to both professional and non-professional groups systematically using written, oral and visual techniques by supporting with quantitative and qualitative data. Communication and Social Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES By participating in the discussions on the art and design, actively transfers their views. 2 x x x x x x x 2- Investigate, improve social connections and their conducting norms with a critical view and act to change them when necessary. Communication and Social Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES Transfers their acquisitions to the society. 3 x x x x x 3- Communicate with peers by using a foreign language at least at a level of European Language Portfolio B2 General Level. Communication and Social Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES The national and international project team has a level of communication that can be active in the project. 4 4- Use advanced informatics and communication technology skills with software knowledge required by the field. Communication and Social Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES Persuades an art action and other people to start the application. 5 Communication and Social Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES Oral and written communication in at least one foreign language (European Language Portfolio General level: B2 level). 6 Communication and Social Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES It uses information and communication technologies in advanced level at the level required by the field. 7 x Communication and Social Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES It offers innovative, original art and design structure. 1 x x x x 1- Audit the data gathering, interpretation, implementation and announcement stages by taking into consideration the cultural, scientific, and ethic values and teach these values. Field Specific Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES Shares and implements the information in the field in the interdisciplinary study environment. 2 x x x x 2- Develop strategy, policy and implementation plans on the issues related to the field and assess the findings within the frame of quality processes. Field Specific Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES It is involved in the protection and introduction of cultural values ​​in the awareness process. 3 3- Use the knowledge, problem solving and/or implementation skills in interdisciplinary studies. Field Specific Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES Constitute the process and method of personal art and design. 1 x x x x 1- Independently conduct studies that require proficiency in the field. Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES Plans project processes. 2 x x x 2-Take responsibility and develop new strategic solutions as a team member in order to solve unexpected complex problems faced within the applications in the field. Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES x x x x x 3- Demonstrate leadership in contexts that require solving problems related to the field. Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility COMPETENCES

Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples

Access to Further Studies

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

1. Semester Course Plan

Course Code Course Title Theoretical Practice Year Semester of Study Type of Course ECTS
GİT 501 STUDIO I 2 Hour(s) 1 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Compulsory 6
GİT 503 SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH METHODS AND ETHICS 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Compulsory 6
GİT 550 Fall Term Elective Course Pool - Hour(s) - Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 18

2. Semester Course Plan

Course Code Course Title Theoretical Practice Year Semester of Study Type of Course ECTS
GİT 502 STUDIO II 2 Hour(s) 1 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Compulsory 6
GİT 502 SEMINAR 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Compulsory 6
GİT 552 Spring Term Elective Courses Pool - Hour(s) - Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 18

3. Semester Course Plan

Course Code Course Title Theoretical Practice Year Semester of Study Type of Course ECTS
GİT 804 TEZ DANışMANLığı I 0 Hour(s) 1 Hour(s) 2 Fall Semester Compulsory 25
GİT 801 UZMANLıK ALAN DERSI I 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 2 Fall Semester Compulsory 5

4. Semester Course Plan

Course Code Course Title Theoretical Practice Year Semester of Study Type of Course ECTS
GİT 803 TEZ DANışMANLığı 0 Hour(s) 1 Hour(s) 2 Spring Semester Compulsory 25
GİT 802 UZMANLıK ALAN DERSI II 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 2 Spring Semester Compulsory 5

Fall Term Elective Course Pool

Course Code Course Title Theoretical Practice Year Semester of Study Type of Course ECTS
GİT 509 CULTURAL IMAGES IN DESIGN 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
GİT 505 SEMİOLOGY IN VISUAL DISCIPLINES 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
GİT 521 STORY BASED NEXT GENERATION MARKETING 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional
GİT 519 IMAGE AND CONCEPT 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
GİT 511 ADVERTISING ANALYSIS 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional
GİT 507 DESIGN AESTHETICS 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
GİT 515 DESIGN IDENTITY AND CULTURE 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
GİT 513 DESIGN HISTORY AND THEORIES 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6
GİT 517 SOCIAL REQUIREMENTS AND ART 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Optional 6

Spring Term Elective Courses Pool

Course Code Course Title Theoretical Practice Year Semester of Study Type of Course ECTS
GİT 510 CONTEMPORARY ART AND DESIGN 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
GİT 522 EXPERIMENTAL TYPOGRAPHY 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
GİT 512 VISUAL CULTURE 0 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
GİT 528 TODAYS DESIGN TRENDS 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
GİT 508 IMAGINATIVE THINKING AND ART 0 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
GİT 520 KINETIC TYPOGRAPHY 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
GİT 532 CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 3
GİT 526 SPACE, PERCEPTION AND ART 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
GİT 530 ART AND MEDIA AESTHETICS 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
GİT 518 ART AND TECHNOLOGY 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
GİT 516 PHOTOGRAPHY IN DESIGN 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
GİT 514 CREATIVE VIDEO EDITING 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6
GİT 524 NEW MEDIA 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional
GİT 504 NEW CONSUMER AND CHANGING CONSUMER BEHAVIOR 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional

Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

Graduation Requirements

Mode of Study


Programme Director or Equivalent