Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University Course Catalogue

Information Of Programmes



Nevsehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University, Vocational School has a 7500 m² closed area, 13 classrooms, 4 laboratories, 6 workshops and teaching institution of a preliminary license. It was constructed in the contributions of benevolent citizens Nevsehirli, Erciyes University, Nevsehir Province Rektörlüğünce Development, University Remodeling and Survival Vakıfı'ndan was delivered on April 25, 2000.

Qualification Awarded

The students, who achieve all the courses in the program (equivalent to 120 ECTS in total) and who get at least 2.0 Great Point Average (GPA) over 4.00 in total, are awarded an Associate’s Degree certificate in the department of Computer Programming.

Level of Qualification

Associate's Degree

Specific Admission Requirements

The students, who graduated from the relevant department of Vocational High Schools and came in free from the Vocational exam or who graduated from Public Schools and got the relevant mark of the student selection and Placement System and were placed by the Student Selection and Placement Center, are accepted for the Computer Programming Programme.

Specific Arrangement For Recognition of Prior Learning

Some exemption exams are applied for some lessons such as Computer Technology or English at the beginning of both academic terms. The students who regard themselves as having the learning outcomes of these lessons can take the exams. And, the students who achieve these exams are exempted from these lessons.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

The students are required to achieve all of both compulsory and elective courses ( equivalent to 120 ECTS in total ) and to get at least 2.0 Great Point Average ( GPA ) over 4.00 in total and to complete the training period of 30 work days in order to be able to get Associate’s Degree in the department of Computer Programming.

Profile of The Programme

The aim of the programme is to train qualified computer technicians who have knowledge and skills in the department of informatics technology, who can make computer maintenance or repair, who have the skills of writing programs on computer or managing database, who realized Project Based Works, who are successful in both individual and group Works, and who absorbed the national values. Computer Programming Programme carries out its inner or outer activities and Works through the Management and the Rectorate as a lighter institution. The Computer Programming Programme trains the students to be employed in the work areas of computer technology. Our department tries to teach the students perfectly with all the teaching staff of the school. Our department aims to realize the European Projects and provide the students with a positive atmosphere for learning or studying through these projects. The courses of the department are presented efficiently enough for the students to become employed easily or to make the students, who pass to undergraduate programmes, adapt easily.

Key Learning Outcomes of the Programme

PO-1 Has the general information about using computer
PO-2 Has advanced ability to use office software
PO-3 Has the ability defining problems, developing models and solutions
PO-4 Has competency in developing software, sets algorithm and develops program
PO-5 Develops desktop applications and web based applications
PO-6 Determines software and hardware problems and finds solutions
PO-7 Can think analytically
PO-8 Has information about Windows and Linux based networks
PO-9 Develop object oriented programs
PO-10 Designs and manages databases
PO-11 Designs graphics and creates animations for required environments
PO-12 Know the basic mathematical terms and use in problem-solving.
PO-13 Communicate well by using Turkish language, and know a good level of foreign language to communicate effectively with his colleagues.
PO-14 Have knowledge about the Republic of Turkey and Atatürk's principles and revolutions.
PO-15 Have the knowledge and skills to perform desktop and graphics and animation designs in internet programming.
PO-16 Make installations, maintenance and checks in database.
PO-17 Make installation and maintenance the system, if necessary, with a knowledge and skill of knowing and using the tools, machines and apparatus in the field of computer programming.
PO-18 Have the knowledge of web design internet software and projects development, maintain and control.
PO-19 Have a basic knowledge and skills about computer electronics, operating and network systems and make installation, maintenance and repair.
PO-20 Learn the terms in foreign languages related to occupation and understand writings in foreign languages.
PO-21 Use integrating which learned in vocational lessons and crate new products adding own skills to what they learned.
PO-22 Have knowledge and skills of using every kind of sensors in related circuits.
PO-23 Participate in scientific and cultural activities.
PO-24 Fallow and apply the current events in continuous changing technology of communication with a conscious of life-long learning.
PO-25 Have necessary knowledge of opening and administering a workplace.
PO-26 Define the basic concepts of information law
PO-27 Solves problems related to informatics crimes by systematically analyzing them based on the theoretical background
PO-28 Performs the application of information law
PO-29 Knows the basic concepts of robotics coding
PO-30 Have basic knowledge in the field of occupational health and safety.
PO-31 Defines, synthesizes, analyzes, interprets and evaluates information and data in the professional area.
PO-32 With the theoretical and practical experience analyzes the problems that encounter in the sector and produce solutions

NQF-HETR Program Outcomes Matrices
TYYC PÇ-1 PÇ-2 PÇ-3 PÇ-4 PÇ-5 PÇ-6 PÇ-7 PÇ-8 PÇ-9 PÇ-10 PÇ-11 PÇ-12 PÇ-13 PÇ-14 PÇ-15 PÇ-16 PÇ-17 PÇ-18 PÇ-19 PÇ-20 PÇ-21 PÇ-22 PÇ-23 PÇ-24 PÇ-25 PÇ-26 PÇ-27 PÇ-28 PÇ-29 PÇ-30 PÇ-31 PÇ-32
1- Possess theoretical and practical knowledge supported by textbooks with updated information, practice equipments and other resource on basic level based on qualifications gained at secondary education level. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
1- Gain the skills to use basic level theoretical and practical knowledge acquired within the field in the same field of a higher education level or in a field of same level. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
2- Interpret and evaluate data, define problems, do analysis, produce solutions based on proof with using basic level knowledge and practices gained within the field. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
1- Interpret and evaluate data, define problems, do analysis, produce solutions based on proof with using basic level knowledge and practices gained within the field. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
2- Take responsibility as a team member in order to solve unexpected complex problems faced in the implementations within the field. X X X
3- Conduct activities towards the development of subordinates within a project. X X
1- Evaluate the acquired knowledge and skills at basic level within the field with a critical approach, determine and respond to learning needs. X X X X X X X X X X
2- Direct the education received to a higher education level in the same field or to an occupation in the same level. X X X
3-Gain awareness of lifelong learning. X X X X
1- Transfer the ideas based on the basic knowledge and skills acquired within the field through written and oral communication. X X X X
2- Share the ideas and solution proposals to problems about issues within the field with professionals and non-professionals X X X X
3- Monitor the developments in the field and communicate with peers by using a foreign language at least at a level of European Language Portfolio A2 General Level. X X
4- Use informatics and communication technologies with at least a minimum level of European Computer Driving License Basic Level software knowledge. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
1- Possess social, scientific, cultural and ethic values on the stages of gathering, implementation and release of the results of data related to the field. X X
2- Possess sufficient consciousness about the issues of universality of social rights, social justice, quality, cultural values and also, environmental protection, worker's health and security. X X X X
Basic Area Competencies-Program Outcomes Matrix (Academic Weighted)
Açıklama PÇ-1 PÇ-2 PÇ-3 PÇ-4 PÇ-5 PÇ-6 PÇ-7 PÇ-8 PÇ-9 PÇ-10 PÇ-11 PÇ-12 PÇ-13 PÇ-14 PÇ-15 PÇ-16 PÇ-17 PÇ-18 PÇ-19 PÇ-20 PÇ-21 PÇ-22 PÇ-23 PÇ-24 PÇ-25 PÇ-26 PÇ-27 PÇ-28 PÇ-29 PÇ-30 PÇ-31 PÇ-32
Mathematics has basic theoretical and practical information on calculation and computer science. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Applies the identified information and / or computer sciences and models of computers and the basic solution suggestions. X X X X X X X X X X X X
Uses algorithmic thinking and planning approach in their applications. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Develops the defined software components of specifications (specification). X X X X X X X X
Operates individually or in teams effectively. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
The necessity of lifelong learning monitors the current developments in knowledge and communication technologies. X X X X
Establish a verbal and written communication; At least one foreign language uses at least the European Language Portfolio A2 general level, monitors the information in the field of information and computer sciences and communicates with their colleagues. X X
Occupational and ethical responsibility conscious consciousness has awareness on observance of professional ethics in information applications. X X X

Turkey Higher Education Qualifications Framework (TYYC, Level 5,) ) Basic Field Competencies (Academic Weighted) PROGRAM ÇIKTILARI TYYÇ
PÇ-1 PÇ-2 PÇ-3 PÇ-4 PÇ-5 PÇ-6 PÇ-7 PÇ-8 PÇ-9 PÇ-10 PÇ-11 PÇ-12 PÇ-13 PÇ-14 PÇ-15 PÇ-16 PÇ-17 PÇ-18 PÇ-19 PÇ-20 PÇ-21 PÇ-22 PÇ-23 PÇ-24 PÇ-25 PÇ-26 PÇ-27 PÇ-28 PÇ-29 PÇ-30 PÇ-31 PÇ-32
KNOWLEDGE Theoretical-Conceptual Mathematics has basic theoretical and practical information on calculation and computer science. 1 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 1- Possess theoretical and practical knowledge supported by textbooks with updated information, practice equipments and other resource on basic level based on qualifications gained at secondary education level. Theoretical-Conceptual KNOWLEDGE
SKILLS Cognitive-Practical Applies the identified information and / or computer sciences and models of computers and the basic solution suggestions. 1 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 1- Gain the skills to use basic level theoretical and practical knowledge acquired within the field in the same field of a higher education level or in a field of same level. Cognitive-Practical SKILLS
SKILLS Cognitive-Practical Uses algorithmic thinking and planning approach in their applications. 2 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 2- Interpret and evaluate data, define problems, do analysis, produce solutions based on proof with using basic level knowledge and practices gained within the field. Cognitive-Practical SKILLS
SKILLS Cognitive-Practical Develops the defined software components of specifications (specification). 3 x x x x x x x x Cognitive-Practical SKILLS
COMPETENCES Operates individually or in teams effectively. 1 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 1- Interpret and evaluate data, define problems, do analysis, produce solutions based on proof with using basic level knowledge and practices gained within the field. Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES x x x 2- Take responsibility as a team member in order to solve unexpected complex problems faced in the implementations within the field. Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES x x 3- Conduct activities towards the development of subordinates within a project. Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES The necessity of lifelong learning monitors the current developments in knowledge and communication technologies. 1 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 1- Evaluate the acquired knowledge and skills at basic level within the field with a critical approach, determine and respond to learning needs. Learning Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES x x x 2- Direct the education received to a higher education level in the same field or to an occupation in the same level. Learning Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES x x x x 3-Gain awareness of lifelong learning. Learning Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES Establish a verbal and written communication; At least one foreign language uses at least the European Language Portfolio A2 general level, monitors the information in the field of information and computer sciences and communicates with their colleagues. 1 x x x x x x 1- Transfer the ideas based on the basic knowledge and skills acquired within the field through written and oral communication. Communication and Social Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES x x x x 2- Share the ideas and solution proposals to problems about issues within the field with professionals and non-professionals Communication and Social Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES x x 3- Monitor the developments in the field and communicate with peers by using a foreign language at least at a level of European Language Portfolio A2 General Level. Communication and Social Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 4- Use informatics and communication technologies with at least a minimum level of European Computer Driving License Basic Level software knowledge. Communication and Social Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES Occupational and ethical responsibility conscious consciousness has awareness on observance of professional ethics in information applications. 1 x x x x x 1- Possess social, scientific, cultural and ethic values on the stages of gathering, implementation and release of the results of data related to the field. Field Specific Competence COMPETENCES
COMPETENCES x x x x 2- Possess sufficient consciousness about the issues of universality of social rights, social justice, quality, cultural values and also, environmental protection, worker's health and security. Field Specific Competence COMPETENCES

Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples

The students who will graduate from this programme, will have the knowledge and skills related with the using of the technology in different courses ( Computer Hardware, Web Design, Graphic and Animation, Operating Systems, Internet Programming, Server Operating Systems, Database Administration Systems, etc. ) that they take during their two-year education. The students, who will graduate from Associate’s Degree of Computer Programming Programme, will take the title of “Computer Programmer” or “Computer Technician”. The graduates can make their own attempts or work at the departments of data processing, software, hardware, Networks or at maintenance or repair services of both public and private sectors.

Access to Further Studies

The students, who achieve this programme, can make vertical transfer to Computer Engineering or Computer Undergraduate Programme if they pass the Vertical Transfer Exam which is held by the Student Selection and Placement Center.

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

1. Semester Course Plan

Course Code Course Title Theoretical Practice Year Semester of Study Type of Course ECTS
AİT101 PRINCIPLES OF ATATüRK AND HISTORY OF TURKISH REVOLUTION I 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Compulsory 2
BİL107 HARDWARE 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Compulsory 3
BİL101 MATHEMATICS 3 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Compulsory 4
BİL109 OFFICE SOFTWARE 2 Hour(s) 1 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Compulsory 5
BİL103 BASICS OF PROGRAMMING 5 Hour(s) 1 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Compulsory 8
TDL101 TURKISH LANGUAGE I 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Compulsory 2
BİL105 BASICS OF WEB DESIGN 1 Hour(s) 1 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Compulsory 4
YBD101 FOREIGN LANGUAGE I 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Fall Semester Compulsory 2

2. Semester Course Plan

Course Code Course Title Theoretical Practice Year Semester of Study Type of Course ECTS
AİT102 PRINCIPLES OF ATATüRK AND HISTORY OF TURKISH REVOLUTION II 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Compulsory 2
BİL104 VISUAL PROGRAMMING I 3 Hour(s) 1 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Compulsory 5
BİL102 ANIMATED GRAPHICS I 3 Hour(s) 1 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Compulsory 5
BİL108 CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 1 Hour(s) 1 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Compulsory 3
BİL106 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING I 3 Hour(s) 1 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Compulsory 5
TDL102 TURKISH LANGUAGE II 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Compulsory 2
YBD102 FOREIGN LANGUAGE II 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Compulsory 2
BPSDH1 OPTIONAL LESSON POOL I - Hour(s) - Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 6

3. Semester Course Plan

Course Code Course Title Theoretical Practice Year Semester of Study Type of Course ECTS
BİL201 VISUAL PROGRAMMING II 3 Hour(s) 1 Hour(s) 2 Fall Semester Compulsory 5
BİL209 ANIMATED GRAPHICS II 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 2 Fall Semester Compulsory 3
BİL205 INTERNET PROGRAMMING I 3 Hour(s) 1 Hour(s) 2 Fall Semester Compulsory 5
BİL203 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING II 3 Hour(s) 1 Hour(s) 2 Fall Semester Compulsory 5
BİL207 DATABASE I 2 Hour(s) 2 Hour(s) 2 Fall Semester Compulsory 3
BPSDH2 OPTIONAL LESSON POOL 2 - Hour(s) - Hour(s) 2 Fall Semester Optional 3
BPSDH3 OPTIONAL LESSON POOL 3 - Hour(s) - Hour(s) 2 Fall Semester Optional 6

4. Semester Course Plan

Course Code Course Title Theoretical Practice Year Semester of Study Type of Course ECTS
STJ250 TRAINEESHIP 0 Hour(s) 2 Hour(s) 2 Spring Semester Compulsory 5
SEÇ4 OPTIONAL LESSON POOL 4 - Hour(s) - Hour(s) 2 Spring Semester Optional 3
SEÇ5 OPTIONAL LESSON POOL 5 - Hour(s) - Hour(s) 2 Spring Semester Optional 22


Course Code Course Title Theoretical Practice Year Semester of Study Type of Course ECTS
BİL112 OPEN SOURCE OPERATING SYSTEM 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 3
BİL118 INFORMATICS LAW 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 3
BİL120 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 3
BİL116 CYBER SECURITY 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 3
BİL114 BASIC ELECTRONIC 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 3
BİL122 DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHM 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 3
BİL110 WEB EDITOR 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 3
BİL124 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 1 Spring Semester Optional 3


Course Code Course Title Theoretical Practice Year Semester of Study Type of Course ECTS
BKE201 SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ACTIVITIES I 0 Hour(s) 1 Hour(s) 2 Fall Semester Optional 3


Course Code Course Title Theoretical Practice Year Semester of Study Type of Course ECTS
BİL211 BASICS OF NETWORKING 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 2 Fall Semester Optional 3
BİL225 COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 2 Fall Semester Optional 3
BİL219 CLOUD COMPUTING 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 2 Fall Semester Optional 3
BİL217 VOCATIONAL FOREIGN LANGUAGE 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 2 Fall Semester Optional 3
BİL213 MOBILE PROGRAMMING 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 2 Fall Semester Optional 3
BİL223 GAME PROGRAMMING 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 2 Fall Semester Optional 3
BİL221 ROBOTIC CODING 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 2 Fall Semester Optional 3
BİL215 SERVER OPERATING SYSTEMS 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 2 Fall Semester Optional 3
BİL227 COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 2 Fall Semester Optional 3


Course Code Course Title Theoretical Practice Year Semester of Study Type of Course ECTS
BKE202 SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ACTIVITIES II 0 Hour(s) 1 Hour(s) 2 Spring Semester Optional 3


Course Code Course Title Theoretical Practice Year Semester of Study Type of Course ECTS
BİL208 RESEARCH METHODS AND TECHNIQUES 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 2 Spring Semester Optional 3
BİL224 INDUSTRIAL 4.0 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 2 Spring Semester Optional 3
BİL210 ENTREPRENEURSHIP 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 2 Spring Semester Optional 3
BİL212 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 2 Spring Semester Optional 3
BİL226 VOLUNTEERING WORKS 1 Hour(s) 2 Hour(s) 2 Spring Semester Optional 4
BİL202 VISUAL PROGRAMMING III 3 Hour(s) 1 Hour(s) 2 Spring Semester Optional 4
BİL204 INTERNET PROGRAMMING II 2 Hour(s) 2 Hour(s) 2 Spring Semester Optional 3
BİL214 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 2 Spring Semester Optional 3
BİL218 SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 2 Spring Semester Optional 3
UYE250 PRACTICAL TRAINING 0 Hour(s) 5 Hour(s) 2 Spring Semester Optional 22
BİL206 DATABASE II 2 Hour(s) 2 Hour(s) 2 Spring Semester Optional 3
BİL220 WEB PROJECT MANAGEMENT 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 2 Spring Semester Optional 3
BİL222 SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURES 2 Hour(s) 0 Hour(s) 2 Spring Semester Optional 3

Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

All the students have to register for the courses at the beginning of each term, and have to join at least % 70 off all the courses and % 80 off all the practices in order to be able to have final exams. The students have at least 1 mid-term exam and final exam for each course. The mid-term exam (We can asses homework, lab. Exams, quizzes, etc. for the mid-term exam grading) Contributes %40 and the final exam contributes %60 to total grade, All the exams are assessed over 100 scoring system. A student have to get at least 45 points in the final exam. And, the students who get one of the letter Marks such as ( AA ), ( BA ), ( BB ), ( CB ), and ( CC ) are accepted to achieve the course. The letter Marks such as (DC) AND (DD) MEAN CONTİDİONALLY SUCCESSFUL. Moreover, a student is required to get at least 2.0 Great Point Average ( GPA ) in order to be successful in the course whose work is ( DC ) or ( DD )

Graduation Requirements

The students are required to pass all the courses in the programme (equivalent to 120 ECTS in total), to get at least 2.0 Great Point Average ( GPA ) OVER 4.00 in total, and to complete the training period of 30 workdays in order to be able to achieve the programme.

Mode of Study



Courses are performed in the classes having the capacity of 45 people and projection and in the computer labs. Students can benefit from internet labs and libraries all day. Also, there is a conference room that many events happen.

Programme Director or Equivalent

Vocational College of Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi 50300 Nevşehir phone: 384 - 228 11 40 Fax: 384 - 215 26 71 e-mail :